Can LASIK Fix A Lazy Eye? Myth or Reality

By Effat Maqsood •  Updated: 03/19/23 •  5 min read

Individuals diagnosed with amblyopia, commonly referred to as “lazy eye,” frequently inquire about the potential benefits of LASIK for their eye condition.

LASIK can be a key part of treatment for lazy eye that’s caused by a severe refractive vision condition, but unfortunately, it won’t help with all types of amblyopia. It is crucial to correct amblyopia or “lazy eye” as soon as possible. However, LASIK is not a viable solution for children with this condition as it requires the patient to be at least 18 years old.

What Is Lazy Eye?

Amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, is a medical condition in which the eyes do not function together properly or are misaligned. The underlying causes of amblyopia can vary, and it is crucial to note that each cause necessitates different treatment approaches.

Refractive amblyopia is when one eye’s vision prescription is significantly stronger than the other. Over time, the dominant eye will do more of the work, causing the weaker eye to fall out of alignment. Luckily, refractive vision issues can be improved with LASIK.
A case is called strabismus amblyopia when there’s an imbalance in the muscles that position the eyes. One eye appears to lag behind the other, and over time, this can lead to diminished vision in the eye that’s lagging.

Deprivation amblyopia, sometimes called “obstructed amblyopia,” is when one eye’s vision becomes obstructed, often by cataracts or another condition. Over time, the brain starts to favor the other eye. This type of lazy eye is most common very early in life, but also may occur in elderly people due to age-related vision issues.

Can a Lazy Eye Be Corrected by LASIK?

LASIK is a type of laser eye surgery that aims to correct vision problems by addressing refractive errors. LASIK may be able to help individuals with lazy eye, but only if the condition is caused by a difference in refractive error between the two eyes, which is known as refractive amblyopia. By making the prescriptions in the eyes more similar, LASIK can reduce the strain on the affected eye and improve vision.

Although LASIK cannot guarantee a complete resolution of refractive amblyopia, it can be an important factor in the recovery process. LASIK is most effective when used in conjunction with other amblyopia therapies that help the brain adjust to the improved vision in the lazy eye.

However, if the lazy eye is caused by crossed or misaligned eyes, or obstructed vision, LASIK surgery is unlikely to be effective. Additionally, since LASIK surgery is only approved for individuals over the age of 18, it is not a treatment option for children with amblyopia.

Can A Lazy Eye Be Corrected at All?

Although LASIK can be helpful in treating refractive amblyopia, it is not an effective solution for other types of lazy eye, and cannot be used to treat children. However, there are alternative treatments available for all forms of amblyopia. These treatments can be used on their own or in combination with LASIK.

The primary aim of amblyopia treatment is to balance the vision in both eyes so that the brain is compelled to use the lazy eye. This might involve using a stronger prescription for glasses or contact lenses in the affected eye to enhance its vision to the same level as the other eye. Other treatments may include eye patches, specialized exercises, or even surgery in some cases.

It is crucial to seek professional medical advice to determine the most appropriate treatment for your specific condition. Other times, this means hindering the “good” eye, either with an eyepatch or eye drops that obstruct vision, forcing the brain to use the lazy eye.

More Treatments to Cure Lazy Eye

Lazy eye can be managed with a combination of treatments, including eye exercises. These exercises typically involve focusing on small or stationary objects or words for prolonged periods to improve the coordination between the brain and eyes.

Another important aspect of lazy eye treatment is making dietary changes that provide essential vitamins to promote healthy brain function and vision. However, it is important to note that all of these treatments should be carried out under the guidance of a medical professional.

Can Lazy Eye Be Corrected in Adults?

Although it’s possible to treat lazy eye in adults, correcting the condition can be more challenging if it’s not detected early. Vision therapies are typically less effective or slower to take effect in adults than in children.

However, certain aspects of amblyopia can only be addressed in adults. For instance, LASIK surgery can only be performed on individuals over the age of 18, and after their eyes have been stable for a specified period of time. It’s important to note that the success of any treatment depends on the individual’s specific case and that consulting a medical professional is essential for effective management of the condition.

Best LASIK Eye Treatment Near You

Looking for a reliable LASIK center near you? Following Google Maps directory makes it easy to find LASIK centers in your area. These centers offer a range of LASIK services, including consultations, surgery, and follow-up care. With highly trained and experienced staff, advanced technology, and personalized treatment plans, these centers are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible results. So why wait? Explore Google Maps directory today and take the first step toward clearer vision!

To learn more about what LASIK can do for you. Contact any of the above Centers and they will guide in best way.

Effat Maqsood

I’m Effat Maqsood, a passionate health and wellness enthusiast with a background in nutrition and dietetics. I’m the author and chief editor of this website dedicated to providing informative and inspiring content on all aspects of health, cure, nutrition, diet, and wellness.