Sports/Gym Diet

By Effat Maqsood •  Updated: 03/24/23 •  2 min read

Sports Nutrition is a discipline that applies principles derived not only from nutritional but also biochemical & physiologic scientific knowledge for the purpose of promoting optimal performance while remaining healthy.

Physical fitness is a general state of health and well-being and more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, moderative-vigorous physical activity, exercise, and rest.

The body’s ability to deliver and utilize oxygen in sufficient quantities to meet the demands Of increasing levels of exercise is called Fitness.

A well-planned eating strategy will help support any training program, whether one is training for fitness or for competition. Everyone has different nutritional needs and there is no single diet that suits all. Some require more protein, calories, vitamins & minerals others may have different body demands.

We at Nutricure Diet improve the dietary intake sources to maintain weight and gain muscles and reduce fat percentage. We closely monitor the intake of the right amount of carbohydrates, Proteins, and fats along with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Water also plays an important role to keep you hydrated.

The Program comprises all the nutrients as per individual needs, Gaining or Reducing, and gaining lean muscle mass.

Effat Maqsood

I’m Effat Maqsood, a passionate health and wellness enthusiast with a background in nutrition and dietetics. I’m the author and chief editor of this website dedicated to providing informative and inspiring content on all aspects of health, cure, nutrition, diet, and wellness.