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Nutrition & Diet Modification for Childhood Obesity, Child Nutrition For Gaining Weight

In Childhood/ adulthood, the requirement for nutrition increases. Dietary energy must be sufficient To ensure growth & spare proteins from…

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diabetes diet program

Simply Perform Russian Leg Curl At Home

Simply Perform Russian Leg Curl At Home

At Nutri Cure Diet, we believe you should be able to undertake the Russian Leg Curl bodyweight exercise without the…

Effective PCOD/PCOS Diet Program

Effective PCOD/PCOS Diet Program

What is PCOD ( Polycystic Ovarian Disease)? Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a medical condition that affects women of reproductive…

Can LASIK Fix A Lazy Eye? Myth or Reality

Can LASIK Fix A Lazy Eye? Myth or Reality

Individuals diagnosed with amblyopia, commonly referred to as “lazy eye,” frequently inquire about the potential benefits of LASIK for their…

9 Easy Couple Workouts At Home Or The Gym

9 Easy Couple Workouts At Home Or The Gym

Here’s the sad truth: most of us said our goodbyes to the gym some random week in March last year. No one…

The Ultimate Thyroid Diet for Weight Loss

The Ultimate Thyroid Diet for Weight Loss

Thyroid Disorders Located in the base of your throat with a butterfly shape, the thyroid gland regulates the rate at…